2 Effective Shoulder Exercises at Home for Improved Health and Function

Shoulder Exercises at Home

Rotator Cuff

Are you tired of dealing with shoulder pain that limits your daily activities? Whether it’s reaching for items in overhead cabinets or simply trying to sleep comfortably at night, shoulder pain can significantly impact your quality of life. But fear not, because relief may be just a few exercises away! In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to two simple yet effective exercises – the Snow Angel and the Serratus Press – shoulder exercises at home, specifically designed for shoulder pain relief and improving shoulder mobility. Additionally, we’ll discuss how physical therapy at Panetta Physical Therapy can complement these exercises to provide comprehensive relief.

Understanding Shoulder Pain and Mobility

Shoulders are highly complex joints with a wide range of motion, making them susceptible to injuries and pain. Many individuals suffer from shoulder pain due to poor posture, repetitive motion, or lack of muscle engagement. Shoulder mobility exercises are crucial as they ease discomfort and promote joint health. Incorporating targeted exercises like the Snow Angel and the Serratus Press can greatly enhance your shoulder function and prevent discomfort. These exercises target key muscles, improving strength and flexibility, and are particularly beneficial for those experiencing reduced shoulder mobility.

Shoulder Exercises at Home

Exercise #1: Snow Angel with a Resistance Band

The Snow Angel exercise, a staple in shoulder mobility routines, strengthens your upper back and rotator cuff muscles while keeping your shoulder centered. This exercise is not only effective but also easy to perform at home with minimal equipment. As you perform the Snow Angel exercise, focus on the comprehensive benefits it brings to shoulder health by engaging various muscles around the shoulder blade, adding stability and ease of motion to your daily activities.

What you’ll need:

  • A light-to-moderate resistance band


  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold the band in each hand, elbows slightly bent.
  2. Keep your arms at your sides and parallel to the ground (your midline).
  3. Engage your shoulder blades and slowly raise your arms overhead, keeping the band taut and your elbows slightly bent. Imagine making a snow angel!
  4. Slowly lower your arms back to your sides, maintaining the tension on the band.
  5. Repeat for 10-15 repetitions.

Key points:

  • Form Focus: Ensure your arms remain at your midline throughout the movement to enhance the snow angel exercise benefits on the shoulder muscles.
  • Avoid Forward Rounding: Prevent your shoulders from rounding forward and keep your elbows from flaring out.
  • Engage Shoulder Blades: Crucial for maximizing effect, engage your shoulder blades with each lift to work the different snow angels exercise muscles effectively.

The Snow Angel exercise for shoulder improvement is great for those seeking to alleviate pain and enhance mobility. Regular practice can significantly boost shoulder health and functionality. If you’re wondering how to do the Snow Angel exercise correctly, following these guided steps can help you get the most out of your efforts.

Exercise #2: Serratus Press (Push-up Variation)

The Serratus Press is a powerhouse move that targets your serratus anterior muscle, playing a fundamental role in shoulder blade stability and improving overall posture. This exercise is particularly valuable as it contributes to shoulder stability, ensuring that the shoulder blade moves properly during various overhead tasks.

You can do this exercise:

  • On a table (easier)
  • On the floor (harder)


  1. Position yourself in a push-up stance with your elbows locked straight.
  2. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, then slowly protract (push) your shoulder blades forward and upward, keeping your core engaged and back straight.
  3. Relax and return your shoulder blades to the starting position.
  4. Repeat for 10-15 repetitions.

Key points:

  • Locked Elbows: Keep elbows locked throughout movement to ensure focus is on the serratus press muscles worked.
  • Focus on Movement: Pay attention to the movement of your shoulder blades, not your arms. Imagine “rounding” your back and shoulder blades as you press forward.
  • Variety in Routine: To increase the challenge and resistance, try this exercise on the floor.

The serratus press exercise is excellent for not only enhancing shoulder stability but also fostering better posture. Incorporating it as a part of your shoulder exercise routine can greatly enhance your posture and shoulder health.

How Physical Therapy Enhances Shoulder Health

Remember, these exercises are just a starting point.

While learning how to address shoulder pain through these exercises can be highly effective, they are just one piece of the puzzle. At Panetta Physical Therapy, our experienced therapists specialize in treating shoulder pain and helping patients regain pain-free mobility. Through personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs, we can address the underlying issues contributing to your shoulder pain and provide targeted interventions to promote healing and recovery.

Explore More: Free Shoulder Pain and Rotator Cuff Workshop

As part of our commitment to shoulder health, Panetta Physical Therapy offers a Free Shoulder Pain and Rotator Cuff Workshop. This workshop is designed to empower you with knowledge about shoulder pain, answer any questions you may have, and offer practical tips for managing shoulder health. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about how you can benefit from targeted shoulder exercises and therapy. Be sure to sign up for the next workshop to take full advantage of this resource and start your journey towards a healthier, pain-free shoulder.

Don’t let shoulder pain hold you back any longer. Incorporating home exercises like these into your routine, coupled with professional guidance and the insights gained from our workshop, can lead to significant improvements in your shoulder health. Schedule an appointment with Panetta Physical Therapy today or join our upcoming workshop to make a proactive step towards improved shoulder function and comfort.

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Patient Testimonials

D Cav
D Cav
I cannot praise Panetta Physical Therapy enough! The staff is absolutely amazing. I've battled back pain for my entire life, and I honestly never believed I could find relief. However, thanks to Steve and the team, my life has taken a remarkable turn for the better. I am sincerely grateful for everything they've done for me and for the comprehensive care they provided. They didn't just address my specific problem; they took a holistic approach to my health. Today, I feel a million times better, and I owe it all to their expertise and dedication. If you're in need of physical therapy, don't hesitate to visit Panetta – you won't regret it!
Daniel Py
Daniel Py
This is a great place to go for physical therapy, very knowledgeable staff, and a nice large area to accommodate everyone who comes in. They do a good job having enough people for everyone who's doing therapy so you don't feel like you're being ignored. My only real complaint would be against whomever owns the business, in that there's fairly high turnover because they don't seem to pay their staff enough. This is sad to me, considering how skilled the therapists are, and how well they've treated me. I hope they see this and decide to improve things for all the great people who work there, before no one wants to anymore.
Robert Kohr
Robert Kohr
I came to Panetta unable to rsise my left arm. After working with Jen, she managed to loosen it up, restore function, and allow me to do pushups once again. Thanks for your hard work and making me feel better!
Gloria Portela
Gloria Portela
Philip Balcer is a great physical therapist. As my first time in therapy, he was excellent and I felt well taken care of. The entire staff was very friendly and I would absolutely go back again.
Cory Rabiea
Cory Rabiea
Highly recommended. Referred to Panetta PT through an acquaintance. Had a nagging hip/glute pain that would not let up for weeks and eventually decided to go to Panetta at their Glen Cove location. Steve was able to identify the underlying causes of my injury (hip tilt/unevenness causing tendonitis) and worked with me to correct my behavior and then rehab the injury. Three months later, and I am fully rehabbed and ready to resume my normal workout routine. Steve and Josh both were so instrumental in helping me develop new routines to get me on the mend, and I couldn't be more grateful for both of them.
Kaire Vung
Kaire Vung
Jennifer at Panetta Physical Therapy is absolutely an amazing physical therapist. Jennifer (and her team) took great care of me - she was so attentive to my injury and concerns, took the time to explain the treatments and provided me with home exercise and tool to help me make progress. I would not have recovered from my ankle surgery so quickly without Jennifer - THANK YOU! Last but not least, the facility is great and all the staff are super friendly and kind.
Spyro Markoulis
Spyro Markoulis
When I had my hip surgery I didn’t think I’d be anywhere near the level I was playing at. But thanks to the dedication to Phil, rich and all the crew, they really helped me get back to where I needed to be in order to continue my collegiate career. Still a long road to go but Philip and crew put their full effort into making you recover 100% with no setbacks and if it wasn’t for him I probably wouldn’t even be walking yet.
leila brooks
leila brooks
I was very impressed with your facility and caring staff. Dr. Phil is a proficient therapist. His patience and expertise are beyond compare. I am now pain free and able to get on with my life The interns Ari ,Carlos. Eddie and Constantine are very helpful and instructive. The front desk, Kimberly and Linda are always personable and informative I definitely will recommend Pannetta Physical Therapy.

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Recover Quickly From A Rotator Cuff Injury

Recover Quickly From A Rotator Cuff Injury

Recover Quickly From A Rotator Cuff Injury

Your rotator cuff is comprised of the muscles and tendons surrounding your shoulder joint. Sometimes, the rotator cuff can become torn or injured, due to repetitive overhead motions performed in sports (such as tennis) or jobs (such as carpentry.) Athletes are also at risk of developing a rotator cuff injury if they participate in rigorous activities, such as weightlifting, swimming, or tennis. The active movements associated with sports and laborious work are undoubtedly important factors to keep in mind; however, passive movements can also be contributing factors to an injury. Continuous poor posture and improper positioning of the shoulders can make your scapula, or shoulder blade, much more vulnerable to pain and rotator cuff injuries. Those who experience rotator cuff injuries or “torn shoulders” generally report a dull ache deep in their shoulder, arm weakness, difficulty reaching behind their back, and disturbed sleep due to pain.

…physical therapy alone produces results equal
to those produced by arthroscopic surgery…

At Panetta PT, our natural and non-invasive methods can help relieve your shoulder pain and heal your rotator cuff injury. How can physical therapy help a rotator cuff injury? While rotator cuff injuries sometimes require surgery if they are severe enough, there are several cases where physical therapy treatments can work just as well (if not better) than surgery. According to the American Physical Therapy Association, “A recent a study from Finland asserts that when it comes to treatment of nontraumatic rotator cuff tears, physical therapy alone produces results equal to those produced by arthroscopic surgery and open surgical repair.” In this same study, a follow-up on 167 patients receiving physical therapy alone for their rotator cuff injuries, demonstrated that conservative treatment, such as physical therapy, should be considered as the primary treatment for this condition.

How Do I Know If Physical Therapy Is Needed?

It is natural to experience an occasional ache or pain from overexertion. However, it is when the pain becomes chronic or unbearable that the condition becomes serious. Chronic pain, or pain persisting for three months or longer, is an indication that PT intervention is needed.

There are some additional symptoms to consider that may also be telling signs that treatment is needed, such as:

• Sharp or stinging pains exacerbated by moving arm overhead or across body.
• Uncomfortable “clicking” sounds with movement.
• Dull pain that runs alongside your arm.
• Shoulder pain waking you up at night.
• Weakness or Difficulty carrying objects such as groceries.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to contact a physical therapist for treatment.

How can I begin treatments? At Panetta PT, we will conduct a physical evaluation and diagnostic tests, including musculoskeletal ultrasound, to determine if you do indeed have a rotator cuff or other shoulder injury. We will design a personalized treatment plan based on the needs of your diagnosis. Specialized hands-on techniques may be used to relieve pain, reduce swelling, and enhance function. Gentle stretches and exercises may also be prescribed to improve your posture and the range of motion of your shoulder. If you are suffering from a rotator cuff injury, contact us today. Our dedicated physical therapists will provide you with some much-needed relief and get you started on your path toward recovery!

How Do I Know If Physical Therapy Is Needed

on your joints that may have developed during the stay-at-home orders. Your physical therapist will customize an exercise plan for your specific needs, which may include stretching, aerobic exercise, weight training, or pain relief treatments if necessary. This will help in reaching your targeted weight and decreasing pressure on vulnerable parts of your body.

Ready to get started? If you are looking for a physical therapist to help you get back into shape after quarantine, or if you’d like extra precautionary tips for returning to daily life, contact us at Panetta Physical Therapy today to discover how we can help you achieve your fitness goals after being sedentary. At Panetta Physical Therapy, we want your summer to be fun, exciting, and injury-free! Call us today to schedule a consultation or speak with one of our licensed physical therapists

Whatever Your Comfort Level Is, We Are Here For You!

We understand that we are in the midst of stressful times. At Panetta Physical Therapy, we want you to know that we are here for you. We genuinely care about the health of each and every one of our patients. Which is why we believe in including telehealth services along with in-clinic services during this time.

Telehealth services can be accessed via your smartphone or computer, and you will be able to perform your PT treatments from the comfort of your own home during this quarantine. You will also be able to track your progress and see how you are improving throughout your treatments – without coming directly to our clinic.

We still want to be able to serve our patients in the best ways possible. We want you to be able to continue your personalized PT plans, so you do not lose all the progress you’ve made. If any injury or discomfort occurs, we want you to be able to receive the care you need.

To learn more about how you can set up our optional telehealth services on your smartphone or computer, give us a call today. At the end of the day, we are all in this together – most importantly, stay calm, and stay healthy.

What are our patients are saying cuff injury

What Our Patients Are Saying

“Very valuable experience! Peter did a comprehensive look at my lifestyle, found habits that I didn’t even know were bad, and helped me correct them. Now I can throw a football with no pain! I recommend Dr. Imperato (Petey) very highly!”

Staff Spotlight

Therese has been part of the physical therapy field for the majority of her life, deciding to continue her family’s legacy of helping patients reclaim their lives after sustaining an injury or surgical procedure. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in 2010 from Duquesne University, where she studied interdisciplinary perspectives of health and wellness. From there, she went on to receive her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Stony Brook University in 2013. Therese’s training and experience is extensive, having participated in numerous clinical internships. Through these internships, she learned to become hyper-focused on results, and went on to become a diagnostician by learning how to perform musculoskeletal ultrasound and nerve studies. She then expanded her skill set to treat complex cases by becoming a certified orthopedic manual therapist. Therese is dedicated to treating any patient who walks through the door. She helps determine their baseline upon meeting, in order to create the best individualized treatment plan that will help them meet their goals. Whether it is someone who wants to feel comfortable with playing and picking up their grandkids, or someone who is training to run a marathon, Therese is always relentlessly trying to change the status quo. Therese loves sharing her knowledge with other people who are interested in the field of physical therapy and frequently works alongside new PT graduates to help them succeed and provide effective results. Her dream is to create a team of likeminded and high-performance physical therapists in order to help as many people as possible. Aside from her passion as a physical therapist, Therese also volunteers as an Emergency Medical Technician with the Community Ambulance Company, located in Sayville, NY. She resides in Oakdale, NY with her husband, TJ, and their two daughters, Marielle and Charlotte. Her oldest daughter Marielle is even about to start kindergarten this year – both an exciting and terrifying thought for Therese!

These workshops are for people suffering with pain who are looking to feel normal again and heal naturally without medications, injections and surgery.
Don’t delay! Register today! Use the camera app on your smartphone to register and see the next workshop at the location nearest you:


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